Suedwind Footwear
Contrace Jodhpur Leather Chelsea, Children
Suedwind Footwear
1888 Australian Classic Merino Work Boot
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Suedwind Footwear
Suedwind Footwear was founded in 2009 by the brothers Henrik and Philip Holzapfel. The two creative minds fill and inspire the company with innovative ideas and new approaches. Growing up in a family with a passion for horses, sports and outdoor activities, and an entrepreneurial history that began as early as 1888, they owe their enthusiasm for creating new things while not losing sight of tradition and style. The result: technically high-quality, durable and comfortable footwear products.
Quality, fit and technology for maximum comfort
The secret is in the details. Suedwind Footwear is driven by the development of high-quality products that offer maximum comfort. “A perfect fit and good support make a perfect shoe.” Suedwind Footwear offers the ideal blend of precision, technology and fit in super comfortable, lightweight packages.
Competence combined with passion
A continuous development process and a passion for equestrian sports and outdoor activities are the success factors in achieving the best results. Functionality and comfort have become the brand's philosophy. Suedwind Footwear is a young and experienced team. The products are developed and tested in Germany by creative minds. Their lives revolve around sports, fashion, art, design and authentic equestrian culture.
Brand history
Ideally, good footwear allows you to focus on the essentials: a beautiful and carefree time in nature, without the annoying distractions of pinching seams, damp feet or squeaky soles. The best shoe is one that you don't have to worry about when you're out and about, so you can fully and freely enjoy nature and the moment. That's why Suedwind has made it its mission to produce durable, comfortable and timelessly fashionable outdoor shoes that will accompany you on your daily adventures with your loved ones. Their goal is to offer the right footwear to people who are actively involved with their best companions in nature. Since nature and its preservation are close to their hearts, the shoes are of high quality and ensure a long lifespan. This saves resources and thus protects the environment. Depending on the model, different soles provide the perfect grip in different conditions. Due to the high-quality workmanship and fine materials, these shoes fit smoothly and comfortably on the foot - so comfortably that you will forget them during your adventures.