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Veredus Magnetik Stable Boot Front

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Black Veredus Magnetik Stable Boot Front
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Stable boot in breathable HCL foam (AEROX). A practical and effective alternative to traditional bindings. Fastening with suspensor support and restrainment action for tendon-system, to reduce typical after-work out swelling. Internal padding in DFD® (Dry Fast Dry®), interchangeable fixed with hook and loop fastener.


  • Reduces pain and swelling
  • Stimulates the flow of blood
  • Speeds up the elimination of toxins
  • Speeds up the regenerative processes
  • Prepares muscles and tendons to the effort
  • Sold in pairs

Technical description:

NO DOPING – NOT INVASIVEWHAT IS MAGNETOTHERAPYMagnetotherapy is a medical method that treats several pathologies in man and animals, exploiting magnetic fields.The magnetic fields favour and facilitate lymphatic and blood microcirculation, the change and use of nutrient substances by the cells, the natural biological defence system and the elimination of metabolic waste matter.Moreover, the magnetic fields provide significant benefits in all inflammatory processes which are often accompanied by pain. The benefit is obtained through a reduction of the inflammatory process and, at the same time, an analgetic action with respect to the tissue nerve fibres.

Product ID: 19390
